Very short works

ENVOL NUPTIAL (2004) to Kaoli OSUGA and Masakasu NATSUDA - Unpublished
piano and violin, or piano and clarinet - duration : 40’’
premiere : January 17th, 2004, Japan, Akasaka
Fumiko KAÏ (violin), Kaoli OSUGA (piano)

MÉDITATION TENDUE (1999) JARDIN ZEN 3rd part - Editions Leduc
solo clarinet - duration : 2’
commissioned by Radio France for the program Alla Breve
premiere : December 4th, 1999, France, Sarcelles, CRR
Pierre DUTRIEU (clarinet)
Programme note

XEBEC HALL (1996) to Yutaka FUJISHIMA - Editions Cézame-Argile
electronic sounds fixed on CD - duration : 37"

POUSSIÈRES D’ÉTOILES (1994) - Editions Cézame-Argile
electronic sounds fixed on CD - duration : 1'08"

"Carnet de notes", musical program theme tune - duration : 1'10''
commissioned by french TV, FR3
broadcast : FR3, from 1989 to 1991